Premium Website Bundle
You want your website to work for you, to give you quick & easy access to potential new customers.
You want powerful features to engage with your online visitors.

Turning website visitors into customers

Everything you need to interact with potential customers & website visitors.

Whatsapp Contact
Our WhatsApp contact system allows customer to reach you with just a click of a button. What better way to get great new leads?
Latest News
Our Latest News system keeps customers informed about your business & industry. What better way to tell them about your new products?
Social media
We build & integrate your Social media pages, so post once & update them all. What better way to get the word out about your business?
Custom widgets
Create customer interest through custom widgets, such as our pricing calculators. What better way to get your customers excited?

WhatsApp Contact

In today's fast-paced world, email & telephone messages are so "last-season". By the time you reply, potential customers have already moved on.

With our premium WhatsApp contact system, you will never miss another sales opportunity again.

WhatsApp Contact

Latest News

A browser today may turn out to be a customer tomorrow. But how do you keep them engaged & coming back for more? How do you keep your website fresh & interesting?

Our premium Latest News & Blog systems allow you to easily update your website with new content & interesting news.

Latest News

Social media

Everyone today is on social media. its an awesome place to showcase your company brand. But who has the time to update all these social networks?

Our premium bundle includes integrated social media pages, which you automatically update just by posting news on your own website.

Social media

Member Comments

Every company wants to know more about what customers think of their latest announcements, products & industry news.

Our premium commenting system allows visitors to comment on your latest news. Of course, you still have full control.

Member Comments

User widgets

No matter how good your product, no-one wants to talk to you without having an idea of what its going to cost. They will move on, possibly to a competitor.

With our premium user widgets & pricing calculators, its easy to get website visitors excited about your services.

User widgets

Premium website bundle features

Included free with our Premium Website Bundle
  • Everything in the Standard Bundle
    The Premium website Bundle includes everything listed in the Standard Website Bundle, plus all of the great additional features listed below.
  • WhatsApp Contacts
    We add a WhatsApp contact button to every page, making it simple for members to contact you.
    No need to constantly be watching the can respond instantly from anywhere, just using your cellphone.
    You don't even need to remember their contact details, its right there in your Whatsapp chat.
  • Custom Widgets
    We add 2 custom widgets to your website, such as quote calculators, charts, newsfeeds or forms.
    These widgets are interactive, so we use them to create interest in your company & products.
    For example, add a weather forecast based on the user's selected location. Or maybe a pricing calculator to estimate the cost based on a selected configuration?
    The options are endless...
  • Latest News or Blogs
    Choose between our "Latest news" or a Blogging system.
    No matter the option chosen, it's a snap to post interesting new content about your company, industry or products.
    Visitors can subscribe as well, automatically notifying them when new content gets posted.
  • GoogleMyBusiness
    According to Google, by having a Google My Business listing, businesses are 70% more likely to attract local visits from browsing users.
    We create a business listing for you in Google My Business, which allows you to promote your Business Profile & business website on Google Search & Maps.
  • Member comments
    Our comments system allows visitors & customers to respond to your latest news or blogs.
    This gives them the chance to ask questions or comment on the news.
    This helps keep potential customers interested, allows you to answer their questions & get a fresh perspective on what your customers think.
  • Website monitoring
    We monitor your website continuously to make sure its online and working as expected.
    Always available, always working for you.
  • Weekly reports
    We email you weekly reports, showing you how your website is performing, where visitors come from, how well you are doing in Google search, and more.
    Get the insights you need to build your online business presence.
  • Premium Support
    We take care of any minor updates for you, so its easy to keep your company information up to date.
    Our premium support means that we will also update all of the premium components for you, keeping your versions up to date.
    Best of all, its all included in the monthly price.

    Major updates, addon's, catalogue & significant content changes are excluded.